Online configurators

Test our products virtually!
Build the solution that suits you!


Wiper configurator

Build your own windshield wiper solution!

Finding the right wiper motor or wiper blade for boats or special vehicles that are not mass produced is never easy. ROCA's wiper configurator is a tool where you can enter all measurements and parameters that suit your project. You get recommendations and product suggestions immediately.

Configure your own wiper


Glass wall configurator

Build your own glass wall in 3D

In this online tool you can add doors and accessories. Rotate the construction and zoom in/out for better visibility. Last but not least, if you are logged in, you can add the products to your shopping basket or export the pdf. 

Click here to access the configurator



Glass door configurator

Build your own glass door in 3D

In this online tool you can add frames and accessories. Rotate the construction and zoom in/out for better visibility. Last but not least, if you are logged in, you can add the products to your shopping basket or export the pdf. 

Click here to access the configurator



Rakego configurator

Find the right folding bracket

Are you interested in our Rakego folding brackets, but don't know how many you need for your project? Or if Soft could be a feature for it? Our configurator will help you get the recommended solution within a second!

Sign up for the Rakego configurator



Robust configurator

Find the right folding bracket

You don't know whether to choose a Robust M, L or XL? Find the right Robust folding bracket with our configurator, which is easy to use and gives you the right recommendation fast!

Click here to get to the Robust configurator


Questions? Feel free to contact us.

Our experts are more than happy to assist you and help you finding the right solutions.

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